Thursday, April 15, 2010

What do you “Put Out”
on a job interview?
Aka: How does your body betray you?
A few days ago, I ran into an old friend of mine that I remembered as a hotshot attorney at a very prestigious law firm. He revealed that he left that old corporate gig and now earns masses of money as a professional poker player. He proceeded to regale me with stories about sitting around the table and bluffing his opponents. He stated that, “As you are a recruiter and employer, you understand the subliminal effects of BODY LANGUAGE”.

(Yeah, yeah, you also need a good hand). Well, now he really had my attention.

“I know that you coach your candidates to mimic or mirror the volume and stance of the interviewer and to make the appropriate eye contact to show interest in the position. I also know that you school them in being aware of what their arms are doing. Are they crossed-suggesting defense? Are the hands on the hips-indicating aggression- or are they simply relaxed in the lap?”

He was good.

“But Deborah dear, have you looked at the legs and feet?” (Ok, now I will confess, only if they are wearing a great pair of shoes).

“One must look to see if there is a lot of crossing and uncrossing the legs, as lots of movement indicates nervousness. Where as a bouncing foot signifies boredom or impatience. You must also be aware of legs crossed up high on the thigh, which is defensive and connotes a bad hand. One ankle placed on top of the other legs knee, with the knee pointing sideways, conveys confidence and power-a possible full house”

…and just when you thought that all you needed for a great interview was a solid resume, the answers to all anticipated questions and a wee bit of luck.

See you in Vegas.

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