Thursday, June 24, 2010


Bad Handshakes IDENTIFIED
aka: GET A GRIP!
Right or wrong, first impressions DO count. Business deals and employment opportunities could be lost or won depending on how you shake.

Let’s do a simple experiment. Grab a friend, enemy, neighbor or loved one and no, the dog does not count! Don’t think about this, just do it. Shake their hand and WATCH their eyes.
What did that handshake just say?
1. Did you give a fish? Dead grip just lying there passively in your neighbor’s hand?
2. The diva? Hand extended with the fingers facing down, while the body is arched back, and the nose is up in the air?
3. The pope? Uh, that would be the “the kiss my ring” shake, similar to the diva, but the male version, with (believe it or not), more emphasis on the ring
4. The milkshake? The one that goes on and on like your whole arm is in a blender?
5. How about the He-man? I am stronger than you and I want you to know it?
6. A fingertip? Yes, I have really gotten just an index finger
7. Maybe the fist -bump? Not even going to explain
8. Or my personal favorite to receive, the one that has me reaching (and retching) for a napkin and the Purell, the wet limp biscuit?

Did you identify your handshake from the list above? If yes, you better keep reading. Actually, keep reading anyway.

So now that we know what a bad handshake is, what is a good one?
1. Always use your right hand and face the person directly
2. Make and hold appropriate eye contact
3. Extend your arm forward and with vertical palm, comfortably grip and apply balanced pressure (ok, maybe first give a quick inconspicuous wipe on a napkin or hanky -as a precaution)
4. Pump – yes- Pump. 1-3X. About 2 seconds

Who’s idea was this handshake thing?

One explanation I read, comes from Medieval Times, where the open right hand indicated that you were not carrying a weapon. If two men met and displayed empty right hands, they could assume they would not be attacked by the other.
Another possibility is that the shaking motion was meant to dislodge any sharp objects that may have been hidden in an adversaries’ sleeve.

So I think in modern times, especially on a job hunt, be careful of what you have up your sleeve…
your comments are always welcome

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