Tuesday, August 3, 2010


2009 began the downward spiral; the spinning vortex of what was once my successful 30-year temporary and full-time employment service and my raison d’ĂȘtre career.

Seemingly overnight, my freelancers were laid off and my clients were emailing me their own resumes with the expectation that they would be next. The unemployed reached record numbers and all my client customers were downsizing. Soon the fertile ground of incoming job positions went completely dry. The money slowed and then stopped. Forcing me to change my spending habits, altering my lifestyle.

For months I was scared and stressed, worried about my lack of income. Cannibalizing my fears and sending out bad energy vibrations to all that crossed my path. All I could focus on was money. The thought became all consuming, like a sickness that held me in its grip. I was an outsider scratching for admittance on the windows and doors of the stores where I once shopped. I became an active card carrying member of the Pity Party and a soap box preacher. Repeating and reinforcing my mantras of how terrible my business and the economy were. Finding myself drawn to like minded people with the same negative thought process. See? It is not my fault, as if commiserating with others would offer a safety net.

We never think we know where the bottom lies, but we do know when we get there. Intuitively I understood that I was at the cross- roads and juncture of choice. The need to decide my future was now. Was I ready to let go of my hurt? Was it time to release my suffering and allow Humpty Dumpty to mend? Or was wallowing becoming as comfortable as an old shoe?

With clarity, I realized I no longer had the fear of watching my business nose-dive or my fear of losing money, for I had already done so and survived. It was time to confront and release the magnetic pull of that which I craved. I made the conscious thought to MOVE BEYOND THE FEAR. To recognize that our lives are about the choices we make. We all hold our own power to change our ideas and thought processes, and therefore hold the potential to change our life. What I thought of as deprivation and loss, I choose to believe, was actually a slow turning and changing of my own mind-set. Perhaps the universe’s way of readying me for my next steps. Showing me what is really important. It is said, that when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

Once you clear the mental clutter, the AHA moment arrives electrically, like a lightening rod of shivers migrating inwardly down your back. With an awareness that quiets the ego and presents the soul its voice to ask; what has changed for you? How do you want to grow? Are you listening? Reminding you to be grateful for the riches and wealth you already possess; your health, your loving family and friends. Are you still the same person or a better version? What did this experience teach? Were there lessons to be learned? Can you let go of old thought patterns and create new opportunities? MOVE on. Keep moving forward.

I knew then that I would find my internal compass and journey toward new endeavors.

Ideas are born from our dreams and our thoughts. And these thoughts become our words, and our words become our actions. But it all starts with the belief in your ability to create your life, your world, your happiness. It begins with the simple question of “what would make you happy”, and a step, no matter how small, each day in the direction, forward.

And so, like the proverbial phoenix, I am rising from the ashes.

About Deborah Weiner: Deborah Weiner is a partner with THE TEMPORARY SERVICE, a NY based employment service providing creative and administrative staffing talent. She is also the founding Coach and creator of MOVE BEYOND THE FEAR, an enlightened, intuitive Career and Life Coaching Service. Visit www.movebeyondthefear.com or meet Deborah on Facebook/Movebeyondthefear. Please send comments to Deborah@movebeyondthefear.com or dweiner@thetemporaryservice.com

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